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Awards and Results

Improving fuel efficiency in fishing and fish farming industries by solar photocatalytic marine antifouling

Eastern Ferry Company Limited

Eastern Ferry Company Limited, Aviva Yacht Limited, the University of Hong Kong and City University of Hong Kong research, develop and commercialize an antifouling paint using nano-photocatalytic particles to address hull fouling issues at ferries. Growth of barnacles at the bottom of ferries has troubled ferry operators for a long time. They slow down the ferries and increase fuel consumption significantly. They are stuck at the bottom of the ferries using their suckers, making their removal difficult, time-consuming and labour-intensive. Although traditional antifouling paint inhibits the growth of the barnacles, their effects only last for several months and they are not environmentally friendly. To address this issue, the team researches and develops an anti-fouling paint based on nano-photocatalytic particles. The paint, upon exposure to the limited sunlight in the sea, destroys the micro-organisms near the surface of the ferry, inhibiting the growth of sea organisms such as barnacles at the hull. The hull of the ferries can be kept clean for at least a year, and their fuel efficiency becomes higher than other ferries. They also do not pollute the environment. The invention is more energy efficient and environmentally friendly than conventional antifouling technologies.

Besides the research and development process, the team also engages in the commercialization of the paint. The team investigates how the paint can be applied to the bottom of the ferries outside the laboratory environment, overcomes impractical issues and is now providing antifouling services to ferries in the market. They demonstrate how an R&D invention, in addition to the contribution to the academic community, can contribute to the market and the society directly.

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