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Awards and Results

Highlights of Award Winner

Hotel Madera Hong Kong

Hotel Madera Hong Kong, the winner of Hanson Outstanding Award (Hotel), has demonstrated continuous endeavor in conserving energy. The building has adopted both technical and management approaches for sustaining energy saving achievement in recent years. The hotel owner advocates and promotes environmental friendliness personally and introduces the concepts to the single-tower hotel operations.

Under the 4Ts charter scheme, various energy conservations technologies have been adopted which included lighting retrofits in public area, installation of insulation to hot water pipe to minimize heat loss, etc. The lighting retrofits cover delamping, replacement of existing fluorescent lamps to low energy consumption types and installation of motion sensors and timers to control lighting system automatically.

Besides, the building has also installed the first set waste heat recovery chiller to provide pre-heating to the incoming shower water to increase the energy conservation. Intelligent energy saving key switches have also been adopted in guest rooms to programme air conditioning systems to switch on for short period during unoccupied period, achieving a greater energy conservation while preventing dissatisfaction from customers.

The success of Hotel Madera Hong Kong in their energy saving achievement is not only the efforts contributed by the professional building management team, the engagement is also critical. The team considers promotion of environmental protection as an important factor for constructing the value of conservation in every guest's mindset. They have developed creative ideas of educational activities for customers and staff to participate. Also, they have been promoting at in-house TV home channel for assistance in energy conservation.

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