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Energy Saving Championship Scheme


Promoting energy saving is a linchpin of our efforts in combating climate change. The "Energy Saving Plan for Hong Kong, China's Built Environment 2015~2025+" sets a reduction target of 40% in energy intensity by 2025 using 2005 as the base year. By conserving energy and using it more efficiently, we will waste less, pollute less and reduce the impact on an already overstressed environment. The Plan shows our commitment to environmental protection, and demonstrates the progressiveness of Hong Kong, China in tackling the global problem of climate change.

To save energy and combat the negative effects of climate change, the Government has been taking the lead to reduce electricity consumption so as to set a good example for the community. We have reduced electricity use in our government buildings by over 15% in the past decade (2003-14). In the 2015 Policy Address, we pledged a new target of reducing an additional 5% electricity consumption in existing government buildings over the five years 2015-20. Besides, all new major government buildings and public housing buildings are built to achieve higher green building standard, i.e. gold or above.

Your Support

As the community plays an indispensable role when it comes to energy conservation, we would like to appeal for supports from shopping malls, office buildings, residential buildings/ housing estates, primary and secondary schools, and tertiary education institutions by participating in the "Energy Saving Championship Scheme" (the Scheme) and setting targets to reduce your energy consumption comparable to or even exceeding Government targets, and to promote green building design and management as well.

The Scheme is to recognise leading organisations in the adoption of energy efficient technologies and equipment, application of operational optimisation of energy consuming systems (i.e. retro-commissioning), development of best practices in energy management and promotion of energy saving among tenants and occupants. Champions of each category will be invited as role models to share experience on application of energy efficient technologies and practices through visits or seminars for the trades.

We look forward to the concerted efforts of the Government and the community in promoting a healthy, liveable and sustainable environment in Hong Kong, China.