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Awards and Results

Highlights of Award Winner

Devon House and Cambridge House

Devon House and Cambridge House are office buildings connected by a common podium structure. The buildings have received Hanson Excellent Award (Office Building).

The buildings share a common chiller plant which adopted seawater cooling towers installed at roof. A dedicated building management team is deployed by the HQ. The team closely monitors the operation of the central building systems via sophisticated building management system. Operation data are collected and analyzed so as to investigate the optimized operation characteristic and conditions of the buildings.

The building management team follows the HQ policy for sustainability and energy conservation practices and applies accordingly to the daily building operations. Green procurement is included as part of the policy and there is fitting out guideline for renovation works conducted in the office buildings. To engage tenants for participating in energy conservation, newsletters with energy saving tips are prepared by the team and circulated to different stakeholders regularly. Free energy audits are provided to office tenants for promoting the adoption of energy saving measures.

Sub‐metering system has been installed for major energy consuming system of the buildings to facilitate close monitoring of energy uses. Measurement and verification (M&V) works for energy saving performance evaluation after conducting energy conservation projects have been adopted. Retro‐commissioning for chilled water circulation system has been carried out to optimize water flow and reduce pumping energy. More innovative energy saving initiatives are being studied with support and collaboration of research institutes.

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