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Awards and Results

Highlights of Award Winner

Harbour City Estates Limited

Harbour City Estates Limited manages a shopping complex and office buildings that have been constructed by phases for decades. The Complex won the Hanson Excellent Award (Shopping Mall) and Best Energy Saving Plan Award (Across All Categories) which pledges to commit energy conservation as an important mission in its business operations. The Management Team is well-performing under challenging environment of a super large‐scale retail operation.

The Complex has five Central Chiller Plants with different types of chillers which were installed at different development phases. The complexity and rigidity of operations have made energy saving initiatives a big challenge that a sophisticated professional management is required. To avoid unnecessary energy usage, the Management Team deploys significant professionals to closely monitor, analyze and optimize the building operations prior to decision.

Harbour City continues to pay efforts in upgrading the Chiller Plants with energy efficient and environmentally friendly model. It also adopts latest proven technologies like Active Magnetic Bearing Oil-free Chillers to optimize energy saving; lighting retrofits have been carried out extensively; LED downlights have been installed while there is Phasing Replacement Programme for LED to gradually take over majority of the conventional lighting. Harbour City also identifies possible opportunities to effectively monitor energy consumption by upgrading facilities and equipment, re-engineering operational practices and encouraging behavioral change of stakeholders to reduce carbon footprints.

The complex has installed a large‐scale Renewable Energy Installation including Solar Photovoltaic Panels and Solar Water Heating System at building rooftops to generate electricity and hot water which provides clean and renewable energy to support the operations. The energy saving initiatives, energy conservation programmes and achievements are well-received by the community as a role model that demonstrates good practices implemented by Harbour City.

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